Elliott Curson has a long history in corporate and elective candidate campaigns.
And media relations.
His messaging and creative are considered memorable and game-changing by media such as The Washington Post, and New York Times best-selling authors such as Craig Shirley.
For example, in 1980 then California Governor Ronald Reagan, underdog candidate for president of the United States, launched his campaign seeking the Republican Party nomination. He lost the first state primary to George H. W. Bush, the consensus frontrunner.
Curson was called into the Reagan campaign, where he created a series of television spots focused on the candidate discussing issues such as leadership, the economy and a strong national defense, each concluding with the key message, "It's nice to be liked. But it's more important to be respected."
Governor Reagan won the next state primary election in a stunning upset, and went on the win the presidency.
Elliott’s work is widely credited with Reagan’s ascension to his party’s nomination.
With a knack for creating awareness of a product or candidate through the provocative use of words. As an example, for a new fine dining restaurant, the Tony George, he created this story: Tony George Makes Stupid Martinis. The restaurant quickly became the go-to place in town, far exceeding sales expectations.
For the City of Philadelphia, his Philadelphia Isn't As Bad As Philadelphians Say It Is campaign lives on years after it's creation.
His advertising creations for both candidate and commercial clients in the food, hospitality, retail and place brand sectors are simple and poignant, each tugging with unexpected humor which, of course, creates indelibility.
As Elliott describes it:
“Too often marketing campaigns have no impact, as people easily forget them.
Production values may be superb, but if the content isn’t remembered any campaign is useless and a waste of money.
In contrast, our work stands for something.
We set an agenda to stir the emotions of audiences you seek to influence.
Our content withstands the scrutiny of a questioning press, keeping the eye of the consumer or voter on the big idea, to change minds.”
In his spare time, Elliott combines his street photography with the works of award-winning photojournalist, Eric Mencher, to produce conceptual art on Instagram.